- First your phone must be hacked with rompatcher and xplore installed in it.
- Go to c/private/200159c0/themes/536999050/270513751/536988540/1.0/sources/ you will find some folders named 01,16,78,93 {selct one of these folder according to your language} and then copy profile.o0000 from folder which belongs to your language{my language is english so i copied profile.o0000 from folder named 1} and save it on MASS MEMORY in a new folder1{create it}
- now that we have profile.o0000 we need the second file orga.o0000
- So now go to c/private/200159c0/themes/536999050/270513751/536999041/1.0/sources/,and again copy it from folder according to your language,folder 1 in my case
- now you have 2 files profile.o0000 and orga.o0000 in your new folder1 on MASS MEMORY make a backup of them by creating another new folder2 and copying these two files to it , So that you can return everything back to normal if you dont like it afterwards
- Now in new folder1 on MASS MEMORY rename original profile.o0000 file name to orga1.o0000 {so you have two orga files now orag.o000 and oraga1.o000}
and now rename original orga.o0000 file name profile1.o0000
Now you have two files profile1.o0000 & orga1.o0000 - now copy profile1.o0000 to c/private/200159c0/themes/536999050/270513751/536988540/1.0/sources/
in the same folder you copied it from and PASTE it there by OVERWRITING it
BIG IMPORTANT NOTE:rename the file name to profile1.o0000 to profile.o0000 ONLY AFTER COPYING TO YOUR LANGUAGE FOLDER in c/private/200159c0/themes/536999050/270513751/536988540/1.0/sources/ TO OVERWRITE IT
RENAME IN THE LANGUAGE FOLDER ONLY TO OVERWRITE NOT BEFORE THAT IF YOU DO IT OUTSIDE THE LANGUAGE FOLDER IT WILL OVERWRITE ANOTHER FILE PRESENT THERE OUTSIDE THE LANGUAGE FOLDERS and i am not sure what will happen after that {and i shall not be held responsible for that} - Now copy the orga1.o0000 file to c/private/200159c0/themes/536999050/270513751/536999041/1.0/sources/ and again PASTE in the same folder you copied the original one by OVERWRITING it
Thats it you are done:)
RESTART,enjoy! Clock,date disappear on swipe. Enjoy fullscreen wallpaper now
so how does this mod originally work...it swaps calendar widget with clock,date widget,so now when you edit your widgets on homescreen clock,date widget is called calendar but calendar widget is called profile now...so if you want clock,date widget you choose calendar,if you need calendar on your homescreen you choose profile....you also can use any widget you have instead of clock,date widget.
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